Raising money for the welfare of children is something you've always wanted to do, but you don't know how to go about getting the funds and awareness you need. Whether you want to raise money to end childhood cancer, put food on their table, or give them the education they deserve in other countries, there are a few ways you can do so even if you've never donated to a charity before. Here are 3 great ways you can make a difference in children's lives in raising money for a cause.

Challenge your community

Nothing helps get a community involved in a great cause more than a nice challenge. You may be thinking of hosting a marathon, but that can take a lot of time, preparation, and management in order to pull off. If this sounds too daunting, challenge your community to give up something they normally pay for and donate it instead. You can challenge people to give up a date night, forgo their morning latte, or to take the bus to work one day and donate what they would have spent on these luxuries to charities for children instead.

Host a giant yard sale

Your family and friends can help you pull off a giant multi-family yard sale that donates all proceeds to children's charities. Your local church may allow you to use their parking lot to host the event so you have more parking for customers and room to display all your items. When people know that the money they spend at your yard sale is going to a good cause, they are also less likely to haggle on prices, which means you can raise a lot of money in a short amount of time. Anything that doesn't sell can be donated to your local shelter, and can even be considered as a tax break as a bonus for you.

Use your skills 

Do you cut hair for a living? Paint houses? Have a knack for baking? One day a week, take all your profits from what you do for a living and donate it to charity. If you let your clients know that is where their payment is going, they may even be willing to kick in a few extra dollars to help out your cause. Even doing this just once a month can allow you to feel like you are making a huge difference in charities for children around the world.

You don't have to host a huge fundraiser or even run a 5k marathon in order to raise money for children's charities. These ideas are totally doable, don't take a lot of your time, and get the community involved for a wonderful cause.
