It seems like everyone who wrote or talked about teaching English in another country, such as India, did it when they were under thirty years old. This can lead to a misconception that you have to be young to go and teach English in another country. If you are well over thirty, or even in your retirement years, you can still teach English abroad. Here are three reasons why teaching English in India can still be a great experience if you are older.

You'll Be Able To Do Any Job That You Want 

As an older individual who has already invested time in your career and has saved up a lot of money, you will not have to worry as much about how much you will be making during your time teaching English in India. 

Instead, you will be able to focus on choosing the opportunity that feels like the most appropriate one for you, regardless of the income that will be coming in. You can designate your income to take care of day-to-day expenses and use your savings for all the extras. 

You'll Have The Resources To Travel

As an older individual, you will have the resources to take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way. If you saved effectively before you took a year off to go teach abroad, you will not have to worry about being a budget-conscious traveler, like many of your younger counterparts. 

Instead, you can focus on taking advantage of any opportunities to travel that come up while you are teaching since you don't have the same budget constraints. 

It's A Great Opportunity To Learn About Another Culture

If you really want to experience another culture, you need to do more than drop by for seven to ten days and hit up all the tourist spots. As an English teacher in India, you will get to learn more about the customs that influence your student's day to day lives. You will also be able to join in on all the celebrations and special events that take place throughout the year. 

This can be a great way to really learn about a second culture, no matter if you are in your twenties or pushing retirement. As an older individual teaching abroad, you may even be able to connect with your students on a different level and learn about the culture in an entirely different way than your younger teaching counterparts.

Just because you are older does not mean you can't teach English in India. As an older individual teaching abroad, you'll have the resources to travel and really take advantage of the situation that you are in that many younger individuals do not have. 
